Applied Innovation in Engineering

Applied Innovation in Engineering

Applied Innovation in Engineering 613 671 Capra Robotics

The Origins of Chewy

In spring 2021, we are partaking in the course “Applied Innovation in Engineering” offered by Aarhus University’s Engineering Department, to offer students a chance to work on some of the most challenging aspects in mobile robots.

Their solution is the robot we now call Chewy, which is still under development.

The Original Concept

These are the original drawings for Chewy.

  1. Nozzle for solvent
  2. Spray cap
  3. Rotating brush
  4. Suction tube
  5. Sensor for detecting exact position of gum
  6. Moving arm
  7. Vacuum hose
  8. Solvent talk
  9. Sensor for detecting gum on Obstacles
  10. Control box
  11. Vacuum tank
  12. Vacuum pump
  13. Solvent pump
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